Name Analyser
IntuView Name Analyser is provided as a separate system and is marketed in Europe under an agreement with the Dutch company “The Rhythm Section (TRS)” as “Cricket”.
The IntuView Name Analyser performs the following functions:
Analysis and vetting of names of persons and to identify the name components, ethnicity, and gender in order to flag inconsistencies and anomalies.
Resolution of the name by examining the different name components are identified, examined and finding their roles according to the naming conventions of the ethnicity that the name comes from.
Normalization of the name into an agreed Latin-based format, names that are provided in non-English source languages (including, languages that are written in Latin script with additional letters, Arabic, Cyrillic, Korean-Chinese-Japanese, et alia). This format must enable disambiguation of the name from other similar sounding names.
Determining of a confidence score for the identification of the original name.
Vetting of all parts of each of the names for completeness, cultural and linguistic compatibility, and potential anomalies.
Vetting of all names for compatibility with the declared country of origin or ethnic origin of the bearer of the name.
Identification of persons who carry variants of the same name and may be the same person.
Determining whether two people in the database have a potential family relationship.
Creation of a database of the vetted names.
Enabling multi-value search on a database of names for potential matches.