Name Analysis
Names can yield information on an individual that is not explicit, such as the individual’s religion or sect within the religion (names may be typically Muslim Sunni, Shiite, Jewish or Christian), honorifics and social/religious status, family relations, age, ethnicity, physical or occupational background, and more. The underlying problem of name analysis, resolution and matching is the ambiguity of names that come from different societies and ethnic groups and are written indigenously in different orthographic systems. Names that reflect cultural naming conventions, are received from different sources and are corrupted by different linguistic backgrounds of the transmitters and the transcribers of the names. The key obstacles for name vetting and matching is rooted in the fact that string matching yields low recall and phonetic matching yields low precision.
IntuView has developed a Name Matching system tailored to deal with the needs of name vetting. This system performs vetting watch lists to discover redundancies, duplicate entries of individuals and anomalies in the components of a name, flagging of potential family relations and affiliation with places, tribes or clans.
IntuView Name Analyser receives a name of a person in supported scripts, performs analysis of the name, identifies its ethnicity, if it is written in an orthographic system (alphabet) which is not native to its ethnicity, reconstructs the original written form of the name in its original orthography (“Back Transliteration”), extracts implicit information from the name such as gender, ethnicity, status, family relationships, religious or sectarian affiliation, tribal affiliation, and in some cases age (in cases of countries which maintain robust databases of name popularity over the years).